Encore is a progressive community, not-for-profit theatre company who strive to delight, entertain and inspire people of all ages.

Our company is committed to providing high-quality theatre productions to the community at affordable prices, and we are delighted to perform in a superb 132-seat theatrette at the Clayton Community Centre – complete with air-conditioning and free on-site parking.

Join us for complimentary refreshments before the show and tea/coffee at interval!

Starting with a family show in January, we stage four productions a year, including comedies, dramas, and thrillers.

In 2022, Encore Theatre celebrates their 25th year anniversary.

Our committee

President  Christine Simmonds
Vice President Vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary  Katie Simmonds

General Members: Bill Rendall

Non-Committee, Ancillary Roles

Acting Ticket Secretary Katie and Christine Simmonds
Front-of-House Co-Ordinator Joan Krutli
Publicity Joan Krutli
Public Officer Katie Simmonds

Play Reading Committee: Natalie Irvine and Horrie Leek

If you are interested in joining our committee please email us at info@encoretheatre.com.au